Silence is not defined as a state of non - existence of, physical and non-physical, noise and distractions. Whereas, it is the very acceptance of these disturbances. Resisting any thought or emotion, which arises from anything which distracts you, being a common human response in such a situation, locks you from attaining silence. This transports you into a state of chaos. And, Chaos leads to pain. This pain, which arises from the absence of silence, forces you towards social withdrawal, because of the conception that emotional and physical isolation garauntees silence. Whereas, it uncomplicatedly adds to the chaos, and this leads to a vicious cycle. A cycle which breaks only when there is a realization that, neither the indulgence in emotional and physial isolation, nor the indulgence in desperate companionship, both of which clearly are methods of resistance, will lead to silence, but the acceptance of your distractions will.
Altering the words of Alain de Botton, "love, in general (which implies, for instance, the love for a possession, sport, person, friend, mother etc.), is an essential and alluring distraction from one's existential lonliness". It is easy, and above all, ecstatic, to accept it, provided there is emotional reciprocity, and/or, physical presence or connectity. But, when there is an absence of one or more of them, acceptance becomes demanding. Resistance under such a phase leads to the vicious cycle of chaos, as explained above. Approval of such distractions, though being arduous, is the only way towards silence. Only under such a moment of acceptance will there be an acknowledgment, and maybe an appreciation, of one's existential lonliness. And, also an awareness of the substantial and pronounced, difficulty, and resitance, to accept one's existential lonliness. The result of such an acceptance is something which I am unaware of. But, it is not easy to attain silence, is something which I'm aware of.
Altering the words of Alain de Botton, "love, in general (which implies, for instance, the love for a possession, sport, person, friend, mother etc.), is an essential and alluring distraction from one's existential lonliness". It is easy, and above all, ecstatic, to accept it, provided there is emotional reciprocity, and/or, physical presence or connectity. But, when there is an absence of one or more of them, acceptance becomes demanding. Resistance under such a phase leads to the vicious cycle of chaos, as explained above. Approval of such distractions, though being arduous, is the only way towards silence. Only under such a moment of acceptance will there be an acknowledgment, and maybe an appreciation, of one's existential lonliness. And, also an awareness of the substantial and pronounced, difficulty, and resitance, to accept one's existential lonliness. The result of such an acceptance is something which I am unaware of. But, it is not easy to attain silence, is something which I'm aware of.
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